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Advantages of Aviation Stack API Integration to Freight Forwarding Software Module

Freight Forwarding Software

Globalization, have enabled businesses handle multiple markets and various demographics and New technologies are enabling greater efficiency and more collaborative operating models. Recent innovations in technology have brought improvements to supply chain industry. utilizing these improvements at all stages. For instance, we have recently integrated our Logistics ERP Software’s freight forwarding module with Aviation Stack Application Programming interfaces or APIs. This allows freight forwarders to gain control over the operations as well give customers end-to-end visibility.

Freight Forwarding Software from SNSF uses Aviation Stack API to offer a simple and cost-effective way of accessing global flight tracking data in real-time. With this Real-time Flight Status & Global Aviation Data client can achieve peace of mind as well reduce 40% work effort.

Advantages of Aviation Stack API Integration

  • Live Flight Tracking
  • Historical Flight Data
  • Airline Lookup
  • City Lookup
  • Airplane Lookup

By watching the real time updates on the following customers can tap into an extensive data set of airline routes and other up-to-date aviation-related information. Airline Freight forwarders can take advantage of this new software environments, that helps track information and stay competitive.

Transform yours into a digitized freight forwarding business by installing Cloud based SNSF’s Freight forwarding software. To embrace this customized software that cut down the challenges and helps meet logistics & supply chain demands Contact Us.