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Efficiently Manage & Streamline Depot Operations with CODECO EDI Solution from SNSF

Depot operation

In this digital transformation era the need for EDI is crucial for any shipping companies, Supply Chain Service Providers, B2B business Company, Logistic chain operators to improve operational speed & business efficiency. By using this standard Electronic Data Interchange System clients can eliminate human intervention besides take multiple steps out of the manual process. Following this structured messages, common business language for communication correspondence facilitate data exchange between parties transacting.

Recently, we have implemented CODECO D95B EDI in Depo Management System to a leading Supply Chain Management Company. It significantly shortens the data processing time, contributes to the visibility of the container status & helps the client to electronically communicate the information that was traditionally communicated on paper i.e., purchase order, invoice documents.

The CODECO file contains the following information in a structured format.
  • Transport details
  • Location details
  • Name and address
  • Goods and item details
  • Handling instructions
  • Equipment details
  • Measurements etc

This message confirms that the containers specified have been delivered or picked up by the inland carrier (road, rail or barge). This streamlined message can be made use of to report the change in the status of container(s) without physically being moved.

EDI Implementation Benefits

  • Today’s customer prefers working with logistic chain companies those have EDI systems as its efficient
  • Lower 35% transaction cost by eliminating expenses associated with paper, printing, reproduction, storage, filing, postage and document retrieval
  • Errors / disputes due to illegible faxes, lost orders or incorrectly taken phone orders are eliminated and valuable time of your staff is saved
Depot Management Software development team at SNSF has the expertise to support you implement EDI, contact us today to learn more.