Shipping Services Company benefited using Logistics ERP System with Mobility

Client :

The client is providing mid-level shipment services for European countries. Steadily he is stepping to expand and aiming to provide complete Logistics ERP services for the customers.

Business Requirement :

Currently though his operational process is documented and is digital, it’s not centralized. Hence he faces trouble in accessing the data. So he wanted an integrated solution for easy access. He also wanted the solution to support multi user, multi-location, integrate accounts module with existing accounts system.

Solution Provided :

We suggested our product Store'n Ship Fast to the client as it will streamline information and processes. As our product provides all in one solution that integrate people, logistics information and processes unconditionally and flexibly they could access information seamlessly and thus reduces cost of operations. It includes user management, depot management, warehouse management, transport management, freight forwarding. The flexible accounting system here allows the client to export the data as CSV and import in his existing accounting software. Mobility of the Logistics ERP System allows client to reduce the complexity & maximize efficiency.

Benefits :

  1. All in one Logistics Solution platform
  2. Integrated platform to manage logistics
  3. Secured user access irrespective of device and OS
  4. Detailed reporting with export option
  5. Yearly AMC services for Logistics ERP System
  6. Customizable based on business process